Respiratory Infection, Back Pain, Ear Infection, Gastroenteritis, Muscle Strains and Injuries, Rashes, Urinary Tract Infections and other.
Acne, ADD, Allergy, Alzheimer's Disease, Osteoarthritis , Fibromyalgia ,Asthma, Depression, Anxiety and Mood Disorders, Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure ,Migraine headaches, Obesity, Thyroid Disorders, GERD and other .
Annual wellness exam , Breast Cancer Screenings and Pap test
Prostate Cancer screening, Skin Cancer screening
Full Lab Services, Bone Density/Osteoporosis;
School and sport physical Immunization
Skin Biopsies, Mole Removal, Abscess, Wound Care , Ear Wax Removal EKG, Spirometry, On Site Blood and urine test and others.